Chemical Exchange (using 2-site permutation model)

Chemical Exchange in a Two-Spin System

****** The System *******
spectrometer(MHz)  400
spinning_freq(kHz) *
channels           H1
nuclei             H1 H1
atomic_coords      *
cs_isotropic       1 -1
csa_parameters     *
j_coupling         *
quadrupole         *
dip_switchboard    *
csa_switchboard    *
exchange_nuclei    (1 2)
bond_len_nuclei    *
bond_ang_nuclei    *
tors_ang_nuclei    *
groups_nuclei      *
******* Pulse Sequence ******************************
timing(usec)      (100)1024
power(kHz)          0
phase(deg)          0
freq_offs(kHz)      0
******* Variables ***********************************
scan_par k_1/0.7 1.5 3 4.4 6 16/
fig_title="Chemical Exchange in a Two-Spin System"
******* Options *************************************
rho0               F1x
observables        F1p
EulerAngles        *
n_gamma            *
line_broaden(Hz)   *
zerofill           *
FFT_dimensions     1
options            -re -py
-- 4.4 ≈ π√2
-- The signal is normalized by the height of the last peak