REDOR Pulse Sequence
REDOR Simulation

****** The System ***********************************
spectrometer(MHz)  500
spinning_freq(kHz) 10.0
channels           C13 N15
nuclei             C13 N15
atomic_coords      1.367
cs_isotropic       2 0
csa_parameters     *
j_coupling         *
quadrupole         *
dip_switchboard    *
csa_switchboard    *
exchange_nuclei    *
bond_len_nuclei    *
bond_ang_nuclei    *
tors_ang_nuclei    *
groups_nuclei      *
******* Pulse Sequence ******************************
timing(usec)      (100)61     95     5    100       (100)61
power(kHz)         0           0    100    0         0
phase(deg)         0           0     0     0         0
freq_offs(kHz)     0           0     0     0         0
CHN 2         
timing(usec)    (redor.pp)   45  5   50  redor.pp (redor.pp)
power(kHz)         *          0  100 0     *         *  
phase(deg)         *          0  0   0     *         *        
freq_offs(kHz)     *          0  0   0     *         *         
******* Variables ************************************
******* Options **************************************
rho0               I1x
observables        I1p
EulerAngles        ^asgind30h
n_gamma            *
line_broaden(Hz)   *
zerofill           *
FFT_dimensions     *
options            -dw123 -re -py
-- See also redor-x, which uses dimension sections to get the t=0 point,
and redor-am, which does computations in the analytic mode


45   0  0   0
5  100  0   0
45   0  0   0
5  100  90  0